This provides some very straightforward routines which I found useful in various projects. The functionality is nothing new, they are all in the c standard library.
This provides some very straightforward routines which I found useful in various projects. The functionality is nothing new, they are all in the c standard library.
// Some useful utilities for AVR // This work is provided as-is without any warranty whatsoever // Use it at your own risk // Modify and redistribute at will, as long as this disclaimer remains // (C) Brian Starkey, 2011 #define AVR_UTILS 1 #define AVRU_FLAGS_INVALID_NUMBER 0x01 extern volatile char avru_flags; void ctos(char * s, unsigned char i); unsigned char hextodec(char * hex); void dectohex(unsigned char dec, char * buffer); unsigned char isalphanum(char check); unsigned char alltoi(char * string); unsigned int atoi(char * string);